Chapter 7 Hydraulic Actuator

中文      Orang indonesia

(hydraulic Actuator)

7-1 hydraulic cylinder (Hydraulic Cylinder)

Single-acting hydraulic cylinder  

Double acting hydraulic cylinder  

Round tube rocking hydraulic cylinder    

Screw type hydraulic cylinder  

Wheel-blade rocking hydraulic cylinder

Installation method of hydraulic cylinder  

 The selection of hydraulic cylinder and the matters needing attention when using it

7-2 hydraulic motor (Hydraulic Motor)

Gear motor (gear motor)  

Vane motor (vane motor)   

Piston engine (piston motor)


Goto Zulie teacher teaching network gas hydraulic control practice

7-1 hydraulic cylinder (Hydraulic Cylinder) P473 the TOP      

n( 1 Single-acting hydraulic cylinder     

( 2   Double- acting hydraulic cylinder P474 TOP     

( 3 Round tube rocking hydraulic cylinder / ( 4 Screw type hydraulic cylinder    P475 TOP    

( Five bucket cylinder shaker    P475 the TOP    

7-1-2 Installation of a hydraulic cylinder    P476 the TOP    

Cankaoziliao: gas cylinder mounting method of

7-1-3 The selection of hydraulic cylinders and the matters needing attention when using P477 TOP       

  The hydraulic cylinder is a precision component, and the following points must be noted in use:

1. The sliding surface of the hydraulic cylinder must not be scored or rusted, otherwise oil will leak.

2. There must be no dirt in the piston and push rod.

3. Pay attention to the dimensional accuracy and geometric accuracy of each part during installation.

4. Ventilation holes must be attached to eliminate air and avoid vibration.

5. Poor oil seal is the main reason for oil leakage. Choose the appropriate oil seal material and hydraulic oil, and pay attention to the oil temperature should not be too high.

6. When installing and disassembling, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for disassembly and assembly.


7-2 hydraulic motor (Hydraulic Motor)    P478 TOP   

n    The hydraulic motor is a device that continuously rotates by the action of hydraulic pressure. The internal structure of the hydraulic motor is similar to that of the hydraulic pump. The hydraulic oil sucked by the suction side of the hydraulic motor is discharged from the hydraulic pump. The hydraulic motor and the electric motor rotate together, but it has the following characteristics:

n(1) Can be used for acceleration and deceleration and stepless speed change, which is convenient for remote control;

n(2) Small size, light weight, and large torque;

n(3) There is a relief valve in the system for overload protection.



7-2-1 Type and structure of hydraulic motor    P478 TOP   

 The hydraulic motor can be divided into the following types:

n1. The gear motor (gear motor)

n2. vane motor (vane motor)

n3. A piston engine (piston motor)

         Axial piston motor

         Radial piston motor



1. The gear motor (Gear Motor)   P47 . 8 the TOP     

nThe torque of the gear motor is constant, the inertia is small, the speed is easy to change, and it can be freely forward and reverse. Compared with the vane pump and the piston pump, its volume is smaller and the weight is lighter. The maximum speed of the gear motor is about 4000 rpm , the minimum speed is 300 rpm , and the total efficiency is about 75% .

Figure 7-16 Physical diagram of gear motor


2. 輪葉馬達 (vane motor)   P478    TOP

       輪葉馬達轉速在4002000 rpm之間,使用壓力在70至之間,總效率約為75%

3. 活塞馬達 (piston motor)   P480    TOP
       液壓油經閥板上之油孔流入液壓缸體內,藉液壓油推動活塞桿,帶動負載旋轉。圖中輸出軸上裝有止推軸承吸收Fa之軸向分力,切線分力Ft帶動輸出軸旋轉。如為可變排量型軸向活塞馬達,其凸緣傾斜角可改變活塞行程,變更軸向活塞馬達之旋轉速度。軸向活塞馬達轉速在每分鐘200~3000 rpm之間,使用壓力上限約為,總效率約為85%


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