General Questions about Space Weather 太空天氣一般問題


Answered by the Students of 2nd Year Physics at Fairview High School with expert comments in italics.


. 1.What is space weather?

Space weather originates on the sun. Activity on the surface of the sun, such as solar flares, can cause high levels of radiation in space. This radiation can come as plasma (particles) or electromagnetic radiation (light).




2. Where does the Sun's energy come from?

The sun's energy comes from nuclear fusion in the sun's central core. Fusion is the collision of atoms at high temperature and speed causing them to become one atom and release energy. -student




3. What is a solar flare?

Though scientists are not sure of what causes solar flares, they do know that they are bursts of electromagnetic radiation. These bursts, which appear in an 11-year cycle, produce radio waves which penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, often disrupting radio transmissions on Earth. -student

We think the energy for a solar flare comes from the magnetic energy associated with strong fields on the Sun.- JK






4. What is a geomagnetic storm?

A geomagnetic storm occurs when unusually strong surges of solar wind (charged particles from the sun) hit the Earth. This effect causes variations in the magnetic field which surrounds the Earth. -student




5. Does ALL solar activity impact Earth? Why or why not?

Not all solar activity affects the Earth because the Earth's magnetic field repels most of the solar wind. Occasionally solar flares, prominences, and coronal holes (holes in the sun's atmosphere) send high levels of electromagnetic radiation toward the Earth in the form of X-rays. -student

Some activity, like mass ejections, are directional. Earth may not be in the path of a particular ejection so all activity does not affect Earth. -JK

5.是否全部的太陽活動都會影響地球? 為何會或為何不會?





6. How far is the Sun from the Earth?

The sun varies in its distance from Earth. On average it is 149,000,000,000 meters from the Earth, or 92,600,000 miles. -student




7. How do solar flares reach Earth?

A solar flare happens when a large amount of plasma from the sun's surface is ejected outwards. When the plasma returns to the suns surface, it collides with denser material found in the chromosphere. This collision releases large amounts of energy in the form of x-rays and other wavelengths which travel toward the earth at the speed of light. Sometimes the plasma does not return to the sun, but instead travels towards the planet where it is deflected by the planets' magnetic fields. -student

Big ejections from the Sun can be 1-10 billion tonnes, moving at 400-1000 km/sec (approximately 1-2 million mph) and take more than a day to pass Earth, after the sudden onset (often a leading-edge shock wave)




大型的太陽噴射可噴出1億到百億噸的物質,速度達到每秒400-1000公里(大約1-2百萬英哩 / 小時),在突然的爆發後需經一天以上的時間通過地球。-專家


8. How strong is solar wind (compared to wind on Earth)?

Unlike wind on Earth, solar wind is composed of highly charged particles ejected from the sun. Although the solar wind can be used to move spacecraft with "solar sails," the two different types of wind are very different. The solar wind is deflected by the earth's magnetic field, but it changes that field, compressing it on the sun-ward side and extending it away from the sun. -student

Solar sails are still a theoretical concept--there aren't any in use today. They would sail not on the solar wind but on the photon (light) pressure from the sun.

1.太陽風有多強? (跟地球上的風作比較)

太陽風跟地球的中性風不同,太陽風的組成是由太陽噴出的帶電粒子,雖然太陽風能用來推動太空船進行太陽系航行(solar sails),這兩種不同種類的風是差異很大的,太陽風會被地球磁場偏斜,但它也會改變磁場--將日側地球磁場壓縮後將其向後延伸。-學生


太陽系航行”(solar sails)仍是一個理論上的概念目前尚未被採用,他們並不是利用太陽風來航行,而是利用太陽光子的壓力。-專家


9. What are the different layers of the Sun and what are the layers of the Earth's atmosphere?

The innermost layer of the Sun is called the Core. Nuclear fusion, which creates the light the Sun emits, occurs within the Core, which has a temperature of 27 million degrees F (15 million C).

The second layer out is the radiative layer. This layer is like an insulator, and helps maintain the temperature of the core.

The third layer is the convective layer. The energy of the sun is carried further out from the core by convection in the layer.

The next layer is the photosphere, which is the part of the sun that we see with our eyes. Sunspots appear in the photosphere.

The fifth layer is the chromosphere which is darker than the photosphere and can only be seen during an eclipse. The chromosphere is where solar flares can best be seen.

The next layer is the corona which is comprised of two layers. The inner corona is a halo which extends millions of miles away from the sun. The corona is much hotter than the photosphere and produces x-rays. The outer corona extends to the earth and far beyond it. -student

2.太陽的結構分為那些? 地球大氣中又有哪些分層?

太陽最內部稱為核心,太陽放射出的光線就是發生在核心的核熔合所產生的,核心的溫度高達華氏二千七百萬度 (攝氏一千五百萬度)







10. Can you compare space weather to weather on Earth?

To a certain extent, space weather and earth weather are similar. For example, solar wind is much like wind on earth, except that it involves the movement of matter instead of air masses. Earth weather occurs and is contained in the earth's atmosphere. Space weather occurs in the sun's atmosphere, but may affect Earth's atmosphere. -student

10. 你能夠比較太空天氣和地球上的天氣嗎?



11. Have scientists seen changes in the intensity of space weather?

Yes; sunspots, for example, change in intensity over an 11 year cycle. When solar flares occur, space weather activity increases dramatically. -student

At present, we are in the increasing phase of Cycle 23, which began in October 1996 and is expected to peak sometime during the year 2000. SEC scientists have noted a steady increase in the number of sunspot groups and solar flares, as well as other space weather occurrences like solar proton events and a rising 10.7 cm solar radio flux. We've had about a dozen episodes of intense space weather so far this cycle and we expect to see many more as Cycle 23 continues.-NC

11. 科學家是否已察覺太空天氣強度的變化?

是的; 例如太陽黑子以11年為週期劇烈地改變,當太陽閃焰發生時,太空天氣活動也跟著增加。-學生




12. What are sunspots and how do they relate to space weather?

Sunspots are not well understood, but scientist have some idea of what they are. Strong magnetic/electromagnetic activity is associated with sun spots. They are the coldest part of the sun, and usually develop in pairs. Sunspot activity is in an 11 year cycle. Currently, we are coming out of a low activity point, and more sunspots are beginning to appear. -student

The magnetic field in sunspots stores energy that is released in solar flares. As a result, flares usually occur in a cycle that mimics the eleven-year sunspot cycle. Other forms of space weather such as geomagnetic storms and proton radiation showers follow a similar cycle. Sunspots usually occur in groups-usually as simple pairs-but at times in complicated arrangements with many spots and complex shapes. These unusual regions most often produce solar flares. Space weather forecasters use the complexity and shapes of sunspots to make flare forecasts-the more complex the groups of spots, the more likely a flare will occur. -GH

12. 什麼是太陽黑子,他們和太空天氣又有何關聯?





13. What is the solar max and solar min?

Solar min and max refer to the eleven years sunspot cycle. Every eleven years there are noticeable spots on the surface of the sun. The spots decline to a minimum and then rise to a maximum on this eleven-year cycle. -student

At solar minimum, the sun may go many days with no spots visible. At maximum, there may be several hundred spots on any day.-GH

13 . 什麼是太陽活動極大期和極小期?





14. What are the northern lights and are they related to space weather?

The northern lights, also called the aurora borealis, is electromagnetic radiation caused by electrons colliding with molecules in the ionosphere. This spectrum of electromagnetic radiation ranges from infrared to ultraviolet. The visible spectrum is dominated by white and green light produced by excited oxygen molecules and pink light emitted from nitrogen. -student

When the sun is active, it often produces mass ejections that interact with Earth's magnetic field. Electric currents begin to flow in the upper atmosphere, and these currents produce the aurora borealis, which occurs almost simultaneously around both the north and south poles.-GH


14. 什麼是北極光,他們是否和太空天氣有關?





15. Why are some regions on the Sun more active than others?

The sun goes through variations in climate much like the Earth does: cooler and hotter, denser and lighter regions interact together like ocean current. Remember that the sun is made of gases and has very strong magnetic tendencies. These tendencies react on the sun's surface like volcanoes and earthquakes here on earth, shifting matter and heat around in different places. -student

Because the sun is made up of gases and because it rotates once every approximately 27 days around its north-south axis, the regions around the equator tend to rotate faster than the areas near the poles. This differential rotation drives the mass motions described above.-GH

15. 為何在太陽中有些地區就是比較活躍?





16How do you forecast space weather?

Certain features on the sun, such as sun spots, are good indications of solar weather. By comparing the current sun spot patterns to those seen in the past, we can partially predict space weather. -student

A good space weather forecast begins with a thorough analysis. SEC forecasters analyze near-real-time ground- and space-based observations to assess the current state of the solar-geophysical environment (from the Sun to the Earth and points in between). Space weather forecasters also analyze the 27-day recurrent pattern of solar activity. Based on a thorough analysis of current conditions, comparing these conditions to past situations, and using numerical models similar to weather models, forecasters are able to predict space weather on times scales of hours to weeks.-NC

16. 如何預報太空天氣?





17Why is forecasting space weather important?

The forecasting of space weather is critical to a variety of fields. First, it is critical to away-from-planet space missions. Beyond this, space weather has an effect on a variety of earth based electromagnetic systems, and since space weather can affect these devices, it is important to understand it. -student

Some of the specific effects of space weather on Earth systems include interference with short wave radio propagation, problems with electric power grids, the decay of satellite orbits, and radiation hazard for satellites and for astronauts during some phases of space missions.-GH

17. 為何太空天氣預測很重要?





18When do the effects of space weather show up?

Flares (sudden brightenings) affect the ionosphere immediately, with adverse effects upon communications and radio navigation (GPS and LORAN). Accompanying radio bursts from the Sun are expected to exceed cell phone system noise tolerances 2 - 3 times per solar cycle.

Solar energetic particles arrive in 20 minutes to several hours, threatening the electronics of spacecraft and unprotected astronauts, as they rise to 10,000 times the quiet background flux.

Ejected bulk plasma and its pervading magnetic field arrive in 30 - 72 hours (depending upon initial speed and deceleration) setting off a geomagnetic storm, causing currents to flow in the magnetosphere and particles to be energized. The currents cause atmospheric heating and increased drag for satellite operators; they also induce voltages and currents in long conductors at ground level, adversely affecting pipelines and electric power grids. The energetic particles cause the northern lights, as well as surface and deep dielectric charging of spacecraft; subsequent electrostatic discharge of the excess charge build-up can damage spacecraft electronics. The ionosphere departs from its normal state, due to the currents and the energetic particles, thereby adversely affecting communications and radionavigation.

Rayleigh-Taylor instability often occurs in tropical latitudes, causing rising bubbles to ascend out of the top of the ionosphere and substantially distorting the normal layering. This causes radio beams propagating through the rising columns to suffer up to 30 dB of scintillation; GPS receivers lose lock and communication signals break up as a result.-EH

18. 太空天氣的影響何時出現?

閃焰(突然的閃光)會對電離層產生立即的影響,同時對通訊及航空、航海無線電(GPS and LORAN)產生不利的影響,在每次太陽週期中預期會有超出行動通訊系統雜訊容忍度的23倍的無線電波暴伴隨閃焰發生。






19How long have scientists known about space weather?

The effects of space weather have been known since primitive man first saw the northern lights. More recent discoveries include the solar wind. -student

Space weather is noticed mostly by its effects on Earth. After a great solar flare in 1959, telegraph operators discovered that currents from the intense aurora borealis was flowing through their systems, causing their telegraph keys to melt and stick in position. During World War II, the new invention of radar failed whenever the space weather activity was high. Comet tails that curved and pointed way from the sun showed that a solar wind, a part of space weather, was always blowing out through the solar system. When police cars in San Francisco tried to talk to their dispatchers, dispatchers in Minneapolis answered (reference: The Northern Light, A. Brekke, A. Egeland, Springer-Verlag,  New York. 1983). Plans for revisiting the Hubbell Telescope in orbit and boosting it high enough that it will not fall to Earth are driven by space weather. When space weather is high, the orbit decays more rapidly and booster missions must be flown more often.-GH






20What is the role of the Space Environment Center?

To monitor space activity, especially the sun, in order to predict conditions caused by extraplanetary events that could have an adverse effect on earth and its various industries. -student

The role of the Space Environment Center is to gather, in real time, all the available data that describes space weather. From this, space weather forecasters form a picture of the environment from the Sun to Earth. With this information, alerts, warnings, and forecasts are prepared by Space Environment Center for users that may be affected.-GH






21How do you monitor events on the sun?

You observe it through different filters to see different layers of the sun. Each of these layers has certain characteristic activities that signal the onset of a flare or other solar event. -student

SEC scientists and technicians utilize a variety of ground- and space-based sensors and imaging systems to view activity at various depths in the solar atmosphere. A worldwide network of USAF-sponsored optical observatories also provides space weather forecasters with detailed plain-language discussions and coded reports of activity in and around sunspot groups, as well as other areas of interest on the Sun. -NC






22What types of industries might be impacted by space weather and how?

The communications industry has lots of problems with solar events. Solar activity can garble radio transmissions, fry the electronics on satellites and in antennas. The power industry has problems with solar events as well, as their transformers can be overloaded. Almost any industry that uses electronics in space can be affected by extremely powerful bursts, but these are rare. -student

GPS sales are projected to be $9 billion per year in 2000. GPS receivers are increasingly interwoven into the fabric of commerce and recreation.

New investment in low and mid Earth orbiting spacecraft is expected to be $30 billion by 2001. Each constellation's loss of revenue is estimated at $1 k per minute of outage per satellite; this does not consider the users' losses

Delay in assembly of International Space Station could have a domino effect on Shuttle flight manifests, at $500 M per flight.

One credible electric power outage could result in a direct loss to US Gross Domestic Product of $3 - $6 billion (reference: Barnes, P.R. and J.W. Van Dyke, "On the Vulnerability of Electric Power to Geomagnetic Storms,"  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1990. (published as a Technical Report of the Aoak Ridge National Laboratory)).

A recent estimate is that the use of good forecasts by the power industry could save the US $365 M per year, averaged over the solar cycle (reference: "An Estimate of the Value of Geomagnetic Storm Forecasts," by Rodney F. Weiher and Thomas J. Teisberg. (Published in an economics journal.)

22.太空天氣可能對何種產業產生影響? 如何產生影響?









23. Can solar storms hurt people?

Yes. Solar storms can cause danger to astronauts, for the exposure to protons and plasma from solar storms can cause radiation poisoning. Astronauts who are not within the protection of the earth's atmosphere can be exposed to a lethal dose of radiation during a large solar storm. People flying in commercial jets at high latitudes are also exposed to higher radiation. Even people on Earth are exposed to cosmic radiation, but the amount is negligible. -student

23. 太陽風暴會傷害人類嗎?


24. Can the damage of solar storms be prevented?

Our best form of protection is the earth's atmosphere, which absorbs the majority of the effects of solar storms. In space, radiation shielding can help reduce the effects of solar storms to both astronauts and equipment. However, large storms can cause problems even within the Earth's atmosphere. Luckily, solar events can be predicted with some accuracy, so that preventative measures can be taken to reduce damage. -student

24. 太陽風暴所產生的損害能夠避免的嗎?



25. Is space weather "all bad" or are there some positive impacts?

In addition to causing harm, space weather also produces the aurora borealis and the aurora australis. In the future, solar weather could become a good source of energy. Space weather has the ability to cause a lot of damage, but it is not all bad. -student

25. 太空天氣是否全然負面,還是也有正面的影響?



26. Where can I get more information?

You can find more information on the Internet at the following sites:

26. 我可從那兒獲取更多太空天氣的資訊呢?

Space Environment Center
SEC Education Web Page
Space Weather Sites
Space Physics Educational Sites
Solar Terrestrial Activity Report
Space Weather Report


:以上英文內容摘自NOAA/SEC的FAQ(,由陳虹如翻譯成中文,林慶輝校正 (2005/05)