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授課大綱區 | 異國文化區 | 教學影片區 | 各式執照區 | 就業資訊區 | 資料上傳區 |
怎麼選擇? 國內英語能力檢測多達八種,到底該參加那一種?台大外文系副教授張顯達和台中健康暨管理學院應用外語系主任張湘君都表示,托福、IELTS和劍橋國際英語認證是出國留學用,多益和劍橋職場外語是商業用,其他是檢 英語能力用,民眾參加檢測前要先想清楚。 張顯達說,IELTS有面對面口試,難度最高,但對留學英國、澳洲很有用,劍橋國際英語認證也有同等效力;托福主要是留學美國用,但沒考口說。前述考試都是給大學以上學生考的,其他人應參加其他檢測。 張顯達說,全民英檢和托福相近,只是減少英美文化相關題目,國內民眾比較能了解意思,但想加強對國外了解的人,就應選考托福;另全民英檢和劍橋國際英語認證都分五級,想在不同階段驗證自己英語能力的人,考這兩種比較有鑑別度。 張湘君則強調,幼稚園或小學低年級的學生,參加英檢非但沒有實際功效,反而會造成填鴨,所以完全不需參加。 張顯達表示,語言訓練測驗中心辦的兩種外語能力測驗在過去是為想保送出國的公務員所設計,有考口說能力,但題目範圍、程度都比較固定;大學校院英語能力測驗是為技專生設計,只有一種級數,約相當於全民英檢中級到中高級間,但沒有口說和寫作。 另外像多益測驗和劍橋職場外語檢測都是針對商業英語,只是多益不考說和寫,張顯達指出,有這方面需求的人,可選一種參加;張湘君則說,在外商公司上班的人,一定要考這兩種。
多益的設計,以職場的需要為主。測驗題的內容,從全世界各地職場的英文資料中蒐集而來,題材多元化,包含各種地點與狀況,舉例來說: 一般商務 辦公室器材與傢俱、辦公室流程 車站、機場廣播、租車、飯店、預訂、脫班與取消 Up
可參考 http://www.toeic.com.tw/
或 104證照專區
http://www.104learn.com.tw/certify/language/english/toeic.htm |
有關 雅思測驗 IELTS ( International Enalish Language Test System) IELTS的測驗對象 對凡計劃前往英語系國家就讀研究所、專科技術學院、先修課程及其它課程,同時申請澳洲、紐西蘭移民者都客參加IELTS,目前IELTS在全球105國家的226個測試中心定期舉辦考試。 IELTS的成績及考題之選擇 (1) 成績之計分方式:IELTS分Listening、Reading、Writing、Speaking四大項目,各項目皆會獨立計分,而最後再以四個分數合計除以四得一平均分數,IELTS滿分為9分,若成績能達至9分者,代表其英語能力與母語為英語的人能力相當,反之若只有1分者則表示不具有英語的能力。 IELTS的測驗方式及時間 測試時間: 2小時45分 (1) Listening 聽力測驗時間: 30分鐘 9 = Expect User |
歐洲共同語言能力分級架構 英國劍橋英語認證獲得教育部認可 2004年9月30日教育部公布最新「 國內英語能力檢測比較參考表 」,英國劍橋大學英語能力分級認證可做為升學及公務人員英語檢定採用的標準,只要通過劍橋英檢,不須再考全民英檢。2005年5月27日教育部公布採認「
歐洲共同語言能力分級架構( Common European Framework, CEF )」,作為各種英檢對照依據。 最高級 高級 中高級 中級
補充說明 英語能力分級之分項說明 ( Can Do Statements - overall general ability
) Up LEVELS Mastery CAN advise on or talk about complex or sensitive issues,
understanding colloquial references and dealing confidently with hostile
questions. CAN understand documents, correspondence and reports,
including the finer points of complex texts. CAN write letters on any subject and full notes of meetings
or seminars with good expression and accuracy. Effective Operational Proficiency CAN contribute effectively to meetings and seminars
within own area of work or keep up a casual conversation with a good degree
of fluency, coping with abstract expressions. CAN read quickly enough to cope with an academic course,
to read the media for information or to understand non-standard correspondence.
CAN prepare/draft professional correspondence, take
reasonably accurate notes in meetings or write an essay which shows an
ability to communicate. Vantage CAN follow or give a talk on a familiar topic or keep
up a conversation on a fairly wide range of topics. CAN scan texts for relevant information, and understand
detailed instructions or advice. CAN make notes while someone is talking or write a letter
including non-standard requests. Threshold CAN express opinions on abstract/cultural matters in
a limited way or offer advice within a known area, and understand instructions
or public announcements. CAN understand routine information and articles, and
the general meaning of non-routine information within a familiar area.
CAN write letters or make notes on familiar or predictable
matters. Way stage CAN express simple opinions or requirements in a familiar
context. CAN understand straightforward information within a
known area, such as on products and signs and simple textbooks or reports
on familiar matters. CAN complete forms and write short simple letters or
postcards related to personal information. Breakthrough CAN understand basic instructions or take part in a
basic factual conversation on a predictable topic. CAN understand basic notices, instructions or information.
CAN complete basic forms, and write notes including
times, dates and places. 社交、旅遊情境 (ALTE Social & Tourist typical abilities)
LEVELS CAN talk about complex or sensitive issues without awkwardness.
Up CAN (when looking for accommodation) understand a tenancy
agreement in detail, for example technical details and the main legal
implications. CAN write letters on any subject with good expression
and accuracy. CAN keep up conversations of a casual nature for an
extended period of time and discuss abstract/cultural topics with a good
degree of fluency and range of expression. CAN understand complex opinions/arguments as expressed
in serious newspapers. CAN write letters on most subjects. Such difficulties
as the reader may experience are likely to be at the level of vocabulary.
CAN keep up a conversation on a fairly wide range of
topics, such as personal and professional experiences, events currently
in the news. CAN understand detailed information, for example a wide
range of culinary terms and abbreviations in accommodation advertisements.
CAN write to a hotel to ask about the availability of
services, for example facilities for the disabled or the provision of
a special diet. CAN express opinions on abstract/cultural matters in
a limited way and pick up nuances of meaning/opinion. CAN understand factual articles in newspapers, routine
letters from hotels and letters expressing personal opinions. CAN write letters on a limited range of predictable
topics related to personal experience and express opinions in predictable
language. CAN express likes and dislikes in familiar contexts
using simple language such as 'I (don't) like … ' CAN understand straightforward information, for example
labels on food, standard menus, read signs and messages on automatic cash
machines. CAN complete most forms related to personal information.
CAN ask simple questions of a factual nature and understand
answers expressed in simple language. CAN understand simple notices and information, for example
in airports, on store guides and on menus. CAN understand simple instructions
on medicines and simple directions to places. CAN leave a very simple message for a host family or
write short simple 'thank you' notes. 職場情境 (ALTE Work typical abilities) LEVELS CAN advise on/handle complex delicate or contentious
issues, such as legal or financial matters, to the extent that he/she
has the necessary specialist knowledge. CAN understand reports and articles likely to be encountered
during his/her work, including complex ideas expressed in complex language.
CAN make full and accurate notes and continue to participate
in a meeting or seminar. CAN contribute effectively to meeting and seminars within
own area of work and argue for or against a case. CAN understand correspondence expressed in non-standard
language. CAN handle a wide range of routine and non-routine situations
in which professional services are requested from colleagues or external
contacts. CAN take and pass on most messages that are likely to
require attention during a normal working day. CAN understand most correspondence, reports and factual
product literature he/she is likely to come across. CAN deal with all routine requests for goods or services.
CAN offer advice to clients within own job area on simple
matters. CAN understand the general meaning of non-routine letters
and theoretical articles within own work area. CAN make reasonably accurate notes at a meeting or seminar
where the subject matter is familiar and predictable. CAN state simple requirements within own job area, such
as 'I want to order 25 of . … '. Up CAN understand most short reports or manuals of a predictable
nature within his/her own area of expertise, provided enough time is given.
CAN write a short, comprehensible note of request to
a colleague or a known contact in another company. CAN take and pass on simple messages of a routine kind,
such as 'Friday meeting 10 a.m.'. CAN understand short reports or product descriptions
on familiar matters, if these are expressed in simple language and the
contents are predictable. CAN write a simple routine request to a colleague, such
as ' Can I have 20X please?' 求學情境 (ALTE Study typical abilities) LEVELS CAN understand jokes, colloquial asides and cultural
allusions. CAN access all sources of information quickly and reliably.
CAN make accurate and complete notes during the course
of a lecture, seminar or tutorial. CAN follow abstract argumentation, for example the balancing
of alternatives and the drawing of a conclusion. CAN read quickly enough to cope with the demands of
an academic course. CAN write an essay which shows ability to communicate,
giving few difficulties for the reader. CAN give a clear presentation on a familiar topic, and
answer predictable or factual questions. CAN scan texts for relevant information and grasp main
point of text. CAN make simple notes that will be of reasonable use
for essay or revision purposes. CAN understand instructions on classes and assignments
given by a teacher or lecturer. Up CAN understand basic instructions and messages, for
example computer library catalogues, with some help. CAN write down some information at a lecture, if this
is more or less dictated. CAN express simple opinions using expressions such as
'I don't agree'. CAN understand the general meaning of a simplified textbook
or article, reading very slowly. CAN write a very short simple narrative or description,
such as 'My last holiday'. CAN understand basic instructions on class times, dates
and room numbers, and on assignments to be carried out. CAN read basic notices and instructions. CAN copy times, dates and places from notices on classroom board or notice board Up
相關資訊可參考劍橋英語認證中心 http://www.cambridge.org.tw The Business Language Testing Service (BULATS) is a language assessment service specifically for the use of companies and organisations. BULATS is for organisations which need a reliable way of assessing the language ability of groups of employees or trainees. The service is designed to test the language of employees who need to use a foreign language in their work, and for students and employees on language courses or on professional/business courses where foreign language ability is an important element of the course. The service provides: relevant, useful and reliable language tests in work contexts
Why use BULATS? BULATS is useful in many contexts. Here are some examples: Evaluating the language skills of staff within a company Evaluating the language skills of job applicants Placing learners on suitable courses for language training Screening learners who are unsuitable for the training courses provided Evaluating language training given Recommending suitable standard examinations for learners
Do you have any question? Ask Teacher Ann Wu!!