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Part One
¤§ Check in at the Airport
1. May I see your passport, please? ½Ð§âÅ@·Óµ¹§Ú¬Ý¤@¤U¡C
2. Yes. Here you are. ¦nªº, ¦b³o¸Ì¡C
3. I would like a seat in the non-smoking section, please.
4. All right. ¦nªº¡C
5. Which would you like, a window or an aisle seat?
±z·Q§¤¦bþ¸Ì, ¾aµ¡©Î¾a¨«¹D©O?
6. Window, please. ¾aµ¡ªº, ÁÂÁ¡C
7. Here is your boarding pass and enjoy your flight.
8. Thanks a lot.ÁÂÁ±z¡C
9. Will the flight for Washington be leaving on time?
10. Yes, it sure will.¬Oªº,·íµM·|¡C
11. May I carry this bag with me?§Ú¥i¥H¦Û¤v±a³o¥ó¦æ§õ¶Ü?
12. No, I am so sorry, Sir. It is too big.¤£¦æ,«Ü©êºp,¦]¬°¥¦¤Ó¤j¤F¡C
¤§ On the Airplane
13. Show me your boarding pass,
please. ½Ðµ¹§Ú¬Ý¤@¤Uµn¾÷ÃÒ¡C
14. Here it is. ¦nªº,¦b³o¸Ì¡C
15. Please fasten your seat belt. ½Ðô¤W¦w¥þ±a¡C
16. Oh, could you help me with this? ³á,½ÐÀ°§Ú§Ë¤@¤U¦n¶Ü?
17. What would you like to drink? ±z·Q³ÜÂI¤°»ò?
18. Orange juice, please. ½Ðµ¹§Ú¾ï¤l¥Ä¡C
19. May I have an extra blanket, please? ¥i¥H¦hµ¹§Ú¤@±ø´à¤l¶Ü?
20. Certainly. Just a moment. ¦nªº,µ¥§Ú¤@¤U¡C
21. I feel sick. Could you get me a medicine, please? §Úı±o¤£¤ÓµÎªA¡C½Ðµ¹§Ú¤@ÂIÃĦn¶Ü?
22. All right. Just a moment. ¦nªº, ½Ðµyµ¥¡C
23. When will we land in Los Angeles? §Ṳ́°»ò®É«á©è¹F¬¥§ü¾÷?
24. We have one more hour to go. ÁÙ¦³¤@Ó¤p®É¸ôµ{¡C
¤§ At the Airport
25. What is the purpose of your visit? §A³o¤@½ëªº¥Øªº¬O¤°»ò?
26. I am here for sightseeing. §Ú¬O¨ÓÆ[¥úªº¡C
27. Have you been in the United States before? ¥H«e¨Ó¹L¬ü°ê¶Ü?
28. No. This is my first time. ¨S¦³,§Ú²Ä¤@¦¸¨Ó¡C
29. How long will you stay here? §An¦b³o¸Ì°±¯d¦h¤[©O?
30. About fourteen days. ¤j¬ù14¤Ñ¡C
31. Excuse me, where can I pick up my luggage?
32. The baggage claim area is downstairs. ¦æ§õ´£»â³B´N¦b¼Ó¤U¡C
33. Open your baggage, please. What are these? ½Ð§â³U¤l¥´¶},³o¨Ç¬O¤°»ò?
34. They are gifts for friends. ¬Oµ¹ªB¤ÍªºÂ§ª«¡C
35. Anything for declare? ¦³¤°»òn¥Ó³øªº¶Ü?
36. No. The camera is for my own use. ¨S¦³,
³o¬[¬Û¾÷¬O§Ú¦Û¤vn¥Îªº¡C Up
¤§ Exchanging Money
37. May I help you? ¦³¤°»ò§Ú¥i¥H®Ä³Òªº¶Ü?
38. I would like to cash these traveler's checks. §Ú·Qn§I´«³o¨Ç®È¦æ¤ä²¼¡C
39. Where should I sign my name? §ÚÀ³¸Ó¦Aþ¸Ìñ¦W©O?
40. Here on the back of the check. ñ¦b¤ä²¼I«á¡C
41. Where can I change my money? §Ú¥i¥H¦bþ¸Ì´«¿ú©O?
42. The foreign exchange counter is over there.
43. What is the exchange rate today? ¤µ¤Ñ¶×²v¦h¤Ö?
44. It is on the board. ´N¦b§i¥ÜªO¤W¡C
45. Could you break this fifty-dollar bill, please? ³Â·Ð§A´«¶}³o±i¤¤Q¤¸¤j¶r?
46. Of course, ma'am. ¨S°ÝÃD,¤p©j¡C
47. How much would you like the money? ±zn¦h¤Ö±ÃBªº¿ú?
48. I would like two tens and six fives, please.
Part Two
You've been going to the gym lately.
How did you know?
Frank's idea sounded good, but it's not going to work.
So much for that.
I think we should buy a new computer.
We can think about it.
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it
is in your power to act.
§A¤âY¦³¦æµ½ªº¤O¶q, ¤£¥i±ÀÃã, ´N·í¦V¨ºÀ³±oªº¤H¬I¦æ¡C
There's just one problem. I don't have a good suit to
We can go to the beach instead. I'm not disappointed.
It's not my turn to take out the garbage. Whose turn is
That's not enough. I need more to eat.
The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than
the shouts of a ruler of fools.
Is this all? I thought you were going to give me more
Why do we have to do this extra work? What's the point?
I guess you're right. We don't need to buy a new photocopier. Up
A fool gives full vent to his anger,
but a wise man keeps himself under control.
I like that watch over there. How much is it?
Happy Moon Festival! Do you have anything special planned
for tonight?
¤¤¬î¸`§Ö¼Ö! §A¤µ±ß¦³¨S¦³¤°»ò¯S§Oªºp¹º?
Randall has no idea what's happening. He's clueless.
We definitely don't have any more overdue bills. I checked
A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings
of silver.
Mark moved to America last week? You can't be serious.
Try to make more time for your family. That's important.
You don't have to work this weekend. Take it easy.
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