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                           1. all things to all men        盡力設法討好所有人 ; 八面玲瓏
                               源自於聖經,歌林多前書 第久章第二十二節 : “像什麼的人,我就做什麼樣的人”I am made all things to all men.

                              Being a man of the world, he is all things to all men. 他老於世故, 八面玲瓏

                           2.the apple of discord         禍根 ; 爭端
                               希臘神話中有一段故事 : 西蒂斯(Thetis) 和佩劉斯(Peleus)結婚時未邀請女神埃莉斯(Eris) , 埃莉斯(Eris)就在舉行婚禮時
                               在諸神和女神之間投擲金蘋果而引起爭奪. 於是, 間接引起特洛伊戰爭
                               She is the apple of discord wherever she appears. 不論到哪裡,她都成為禍根

                           3.April fool        傻瓜

                              Don't listen to him. He is going to make an April fool of you. 別聽他的, 他要把你當傻瓜耍

                            4. word in season        合時宜的話
                               在中世紀的英語中, season作 “適當而有利的時機 ”解

                                A word in season makes everyone happy. 一句合時宜的話, 使大家都愉快

                            5. afraid of one's own shadow 杯弓蛇影 ; 膽小到極點

                               The young lady does not dare to go out even on moonlight evenings; she is afraid of her own shadaw.
                                那女子連月光明亮的晚上也不敢外出 ; 她真是膽小到了極點