Paper Published


GNSS Kinematic Positioning Test Using Modified Signals Received by Smartphones

GNSS Determination of Road Elevation Information Required for 3D Pipeline Reduction

GNSS Moving Baseline Solutions Tested for Collision Avoidance Spatial Parameters

Production and Implementation of GPS Auxiliary Observations for Satellite Navigation Positioning

Cooperative Indoor Localization with Ranging and Orientation Data

Detection of Road Roughness by Using Post-Processed Kinematic GNSS

A New Indoor 3D Positioning Approach Using Single WiFi AP

Indoor Location Awareness and Application Using Multi-types of RFID

Distance Computation and Trajectory Management Using GPS Navigation Positioning Solution

Indoor Locating and Inventory Management based on RFID-Radar Detecting Data

Performance of High Rate Interpolated Data Applied to GPS Kinematic Positioning

Designing and Implementing a RFID-based Indoor Guidance System

Test of Simulated Pseudolite Measurement Applied to GPS and Multi-Pseudolite Integrated Positioning

Fitness Analysis of Height Variation for GPS Monitoring Site

Estimation of Horizontal Movement Function for Geodetic- or Mapping-Oriented Maintenance in the Taiwan Area

Evaluation of a GPS-based Approach for Rapid and Precise Determination of Geodetic/Astronomical Azimuth

GPS Monitoring of Land Subsidence Associated with Seasonal Underground Water Decline: Case Analysis for a Section of Taiwan High Speed Rail

Application of a GPS-based Method to Tidal Datum Transfer

Evaluation of GPS-based Attitude Parameters Applied to Bathymetric Measurements

Preliminary Test of Tide-independent Bathymetric Measurement based on GPS

Multi-applications of GPS for Hydrographic Surveys

Preliminary Stability Test for the Regional GPS Tracking Stations in Taiwan

Preliminary Tests of Tide-independent Bathymetric Measurement Based on GPS

Estimates of Horizontal Displacements Associated with the 1999 Taiwan Earthquake

Estimation of Local Subsidence Using GPS and Leveling Data

Geophysical Effects on Site Displacements for Permanent GPS Tracking Stations in Taiwan

A Geocentric Reference System in Taiwan

Testing on Tropospheric Modelling for GPS Tracking Stations in Taiwan

Testing a Medium-Range DGPS Network for the Taiwan Area